Tuesday 28 October 2008

Star wars the complete saga

This is the third Lego star wars game to be released but the big difference is you can play through all 6 episodes in one game and play as all 160 characters.

The controls for this game are fairly simple but there is one fault with them, the lack of interactivity. People will buy this game because of the thought that the use of the wii remote as a lightsaber would increase the enjoyment of the game. It didn’t. A simple wave of the remote was enough to send your character whizzing around the level so it was a rather pathetic use of the wii’s motion sensors.

The game overall has good graphics for the Wii although the 360 and PS3 one has like got even better graphics (I can't really say seeing as I haven't played them!)

The bonus additions you get on the game are great. In my opinion the disguise is the best one because even the vehicles get a mask. You even get nice little bonus levels. Lego city is the best bonus level in the game but I have never completed it even after spending one whole hour on the game.

The collectables in the game are annoying yet brilliant at the same time. During the course of the game you collect golden bricks, which give you nice little rewards. In the levels you can find mini kits, these collectables are found hidden in nooks and crannies through out the level and you often get them by completing a puzzle of some sort. These mini kits are used to help obtain golden bricks to help you unlock collectables.

Overall this game is good with good features and keeps you playing for hours even when you have finished the story mode. The game does have a lack of interactivity with the Wii version and is disappointing. The music can get annoying as there is no speaking it is all just noise it can start to get on your nerves. The game has good graphics as the wii goes the story mode sticks closely to the films and is a good family game as I have sat down for many hours playing with my family. This game good has good gameplay through out. This is a good game to get you used to the controls of the wii as it uses most of the buttons on the wii remote and the nunchuck.


Second Opinion:

Lego Star Wars : The Complete Saga can be seen as a brilliant buy or a waste of money depending if you have the first two, because really all what Travellers Tales (the creators of the Lego Star Wars series) is stick to games togather and added a few extra characters. Okay it is nice to see little Lego Star Wars characters running around in HD but its not worth buying it if you own the other two. If you havent got a Lego Star Wars game (seriously where have you been for the past few years?) then buy this because its filled with chrisma and charm which will keep you smiling till the end.

Rating: C

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