Sunday 26 October 2008

Teh Gaming News

Yep thats right folks Teh Nintendo News has had a make over!
Since the last episode I decided to change it to Teh Gaming News and make in monthly!
To get the ball rolling we will start of by introducing our new Author here at Triforce Games.

Callumthesalmon aka Callum is are new author here and is are resident Pokemon Guru. He will be reporting on Pokemon related news and an odd review here and there.

In game related news TGS (Tokyo Games Show) has given us a wealth of new information to report from Nintendo such as.....

  • The new DSi! Which does NOT have two touch screens, but it does have two cameras (but its very likely that your mobile phone one will be much better) and also will sport a bigger screen. It will also include a hole to plug in an SD Card and will have a bulit in web browser.

  • DS Ware was annonced aswell which will be much like Wii Ware but how we access DS Ware hasnt been mentioned yet and if we can use it with older DS versions hasnt been made clear either.

  • A new lot of Wii games called 'Play On Wii' are being made. These are remakes of Gamecube classics. Seems like just another way for Nintendo to make us buy something we already have.

  • New Wii games sighted! Punch Out!!, Another Code and Sin and Punishment 2 have all been confirmed to be in the making! Looks like we may have some good Wii games coming are way yet!

  • On the DS front we have new Mario and Luigi which I can safely say sticks with the same style and hopefully the same laugh out loud moments.

On the Xbox 360 side of things not as much was annonced because unlike Nintendo they had relatively successful E3 but one thing that they did annonce which has put a smile on all those Halo fanboys and that is...........

Halo 3 Recon! Which will be a standalone game and an off shoot of the Halo series. You will NOT be playing as the Chief this time round but instead as a ODSTI (That stands for Orbital Drop Shock Trooper.......Basically someone who gets sent straight to the action but isn't an ordinary marine... Very much like a Spartan.) It will give a whole new perspective of the action on Earth just before the start of Halo 3. It will be a stand alone game and hasn't been confirmed if it will be downloadable from Xbox Live. My opinion is that if they are bothering to make discs put the game on why stick it online as well.

Over at camp Sony however not much was annonced at all, apart from a new exclusive PS3 game called Quantum Theory which star's a character which looks much like Marcus Fenix from Gears of War.

And that raps up this addition of Teh Gaming News. Release dates will be posted in a separate article and now over to Callum to tell us about the latest Pokemon game hitting our shores in late November!

This is the new Pokemon game called Pokemon Ranger Shadows of Almia. This story starts with you entering the ranger school as a student ranger. When you graduate you are officially know as a Pokemon ranger and as of then you start your work as a Pokemon ranger.
This new game features all new partner Pokemon such as Chimchar, Cranidos, Croagunk, Gible, Hipopotas, Kricketot, Machop, Mime Jr, Misdreavus, Munchla, Pachirisu, Piplup, Sheildon, Sneasel, Snover, Starly and finally Turtwig. So there is quite a lot to choose from so you’re not stuck for choice.

This game features the evil team Dim Sun (and yeah it sounds like a type of Chinese food) trying to put the whole world to sleep with the aid of a Pokemon and I’m not going to tell you so you have to buy it yourself.

The European release date is November the 21st and the USA release date is the 10th of November so it is out just in time for Christmas. This looks like a promising game so saving!

pictures from


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