Tuesday 7 October 2008

Halo 3

Right, I am about to review Halo 3 but before that lets just re cap on how Halo 2 left off....

The Master Chief is hurtling to Earth, while Cortana is left with Grave Mind in that big Covenant ship. Now Master Chief needs to rescue Cortana, stop the Halo's (yet again) and save the galaxy.
Halo 3 is just like Halo CE and Halo 2. It controls the same. Same bad guys and even same places!
But dont let that put you off. Halo 3 is a great FPS, mainly because everyone can play. Campaign is up to 4 players. 16 player matches online and you can go online with three of ya mates sitting next to you. If you have friends and more than one controller then you will have a whale of a time no questions asked. Even if you suck at FPS games you will still enjoy goofing off with your friends. Meleeing them in the back to take there ammo. That sorta thing.
Now for the few people out there without more than one 360 controller you may be saying to yourself 'Well why should I waste my money on something which only sounds worthwhile in multiplayer?' Well the campaign mode is okay in 1 player. It's hardly something special. Hold down the R trigger button and away you go. Tap L trigger to lob a random grenade and your sorted (That applies for Normal mode. I can't say I have been mad enough to try Legendary from start to finish). Then there's online multiplayer which can be just as much of a blast as normal multiplayer (as long as you have some Halo loving fans with Xbox Live) you can do campaign or pit yourself against harden veterans.

Closing Comments
Halo with friends is brilliant and in my books the best multiplayer FPS money can buy. On the other hand if you live in the middle of no where without Xbox Live then I would recommend something like Bioshock for 360 and Metroid Prime 3 Corruption for the Wii.

Rating: B

Second Opinion

I've personally loved the halo series so expect a pretty good review from me =D
Halo 3 is a good FPS on the 360, it shows clearly what the 360 is capable of. The storyline is pretty good, a few plotholes here and there but it's not as bad as some games *Coughs* Sonic Next Gen.
There are a arsenal of new weapons for you to blow up enemies, friends and yourselves with as well as some old ones. It has a good campaign for 1-4 players. Legendary mode is fun if you have friends or if you want to do it on your own.

Online is great as it uses a ranking system that makes you want to play more to gain levels and experience.
This game will make you want to play again and again and so you can get better and better and the fun is doubled if you get your friends to play with!

Rating: A

pictures from ign.com

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