Tuesday 11 November 2008

an apology and Fable 2 review

Hey guys! Sorry for the lack of an update till now. I caught a virus you see. It hit me hard. I couldn't leave my bedroom for weeks. Yes, I brought Fable 2. I did ask some of my fellow writers but none of them have posted anything so I thought I should leave the world of Albion, to write about it..

So settle down and I will tell you a tale of the most hyped up game of the year......

It all starts out with the iconic opening video with the a birds feces landing on our young hero's head and thats about as good as his day gets. The time spent as a child is the games tutorial and a rather good one at that and doesn't take to long to sit through once you've done it once(which is good because you will likely have multiple saves), then after you are taken away from your home to Castle Fairfax and meet the main villain Lucien your sister is shot and so are you, but luckily you survive and a magical gypsy finds you. The game fast forwards into the future when you are a grown man and ready to make a name of yourself in the world of Albion.

Form here on in its up to you what you want to become. Do you want to be a goody two shoes and help everyone to live a happier life? Or do you only care about yourself and do anything to get to Lucien and get revenge? If none of those catch your fancy maybe you want to be a business tycoon and become King/Queen of Albion. Its all up to you. There just a few things which you may choose to become. Not only that you get yourself a dog as well which is yours to treat as you please. Hate dogs? Well when yours gets hurt don't heal it and let it limp around Albion after you. It will catch up with you eventually but for the time being your life will be dog free, although he comes in handy when finding treasure and fighting.

Speaking about fighting, the controls for attacking your enemies are so pick up and play. With X to use your melee weapon, Y to use you long ranged and B for magic even your sister might be able to kill a bandit or two. The controls do have a lot of depth though and are needed to be taken into account when you progress with the game. Thats not to say the game is hard. In fact it's to easy. This leads to my biggest gripe about the game. The length of the main story. As soon as the action heats up the story is over and your left feeling sad that its over already. Now thats not say there isn't anything to do once the games finished but you don't have the same sense of direction or motivation to get revenge.

Another problem with the game is the amount of glitches to be found. Our fellow author of the site Mark couldn't play Fable 2 for ages because it froze at the starting screen. Thats the worse case scenario. I have had many smaller glitches like my dog turns green, my looks change and stuff like that. These usually fixed with a quick reset of the 360. My advise is not to download the Fable 2 update as that seems to cause it. I haven't and have not had any serious problems yet.......

As I haven't got the update I have not witnessed the online play at all but me and Callum spent a whole night playing the offline co-op and its okay. The game plays exactly the same as if it was one player which has its both highs and lows. The highs are the fact the gameplay isn't changed, nor do the endless options and also any money or experience you gain can be taken back to your save. but what does change is the frame rate (which during our session sometimes dropped below par and the game seemed to be running in slow motion) and the camera. The reason the co-op isn't split screen is beyond me. Instead both characters must stay on the same screen and the camera is very much like on Lego Star Wars. Now its okay on LSW but on Fable 2 where its all meant to be about choices, having to follow each other about can be a little annoying.

Closing Comments

Fable 2 is brilliant game. The graphics are stunning and the AI are realistic and I would reckon mend it anyone who likes fantasy/action/adventure games. But on the other hand if you wanted it for the online co-op you will be more than disappointed because it feels so much of an after thought.

If you can see over the glitches and block your ears from all the hype this game will be amazing. Just play it slowly and enjoy it while it lasts!

Rating: A

signing out, The Triforce Fighter

Second Opinion

Well I've always liked Fable 1 and thought it was one of the best RPGs on the xbox, you can do whatever you want, you have complete freedom. So I naturally had to get Fable II when I heard it was coming out. I thought it was good at the start, it reminded me of the first fable quite a lot though. You have a sister and gotta get gold to get a special box to grant a wish.

In ways it is much better than the original, the world is bigger, theres more to collect and do. But in some ways i prefer the original because in that the story can't be completed in about 4-5 hours.
I do think this is a decent game worth getting though but if got do NOT accept the update at the start as it can mess up your game or worse your 360 (it had given me the red ring before) Hopefully Lionhead will release a patch to fix this
In other news (might as well put it here) I've ordered Gears Of War 2 and I'll put a review of it up as soon as I've played it =D

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