Thursday 27 November 2008

Teh Gaming News Episode 2

Its that time again folks! Its gaming news, and a rather late one at that. This is because of
Fable 2, Geometry Wars 2 Evolved (Expect to see a lil review for that soon). On the news side of things however its been a bit quiet. Well, compared to last month anyway. Anyway enough banter and lets going with this months news!


Yes thats right. The gaming industry is flooding with them thanks to Left 4 Dead and Call of Duty: World at War's zombie Nazi mode (Which involves you and three other people trapped in a house while an endless waves of zombies attack you. Its also co-op!) Zombies were pretty big last month too with World of Warcraft's zombie day and Grand Theft Auto's zombie multiplayer. It seems like the worlds infected!
Halo 3: Recon is no more

Well to some extent. Halo 3: Recon has got a name change. It is now called....... Halo 3 ODST! The new acronym stands for Orbital Drop Shock Trooper.

Nintendo to Wii-make Gamecube games. Now with extra waggle!

Nintendo once again is trying to sell us something which we have already. Pikmin 1 and 2, Metroid Prime 1 and 2 and Donkey Kong Jungle Beat all will be 'Wii-made' for the Wii with enhanced graphics. Hopefully, these will be more than just straight forward ports and add something new to the mix. So far it has been confirmed that DK Jungle Beat will be controlled by holding the Wii controller horizontally like you hold it when you are playing Super Paper Mario. This shows how they are going for a more retro style. While Metroid Prime on the other hand will be remade with the controls of Metroid Prime 3. How Pikmin is going to be controlled however is a mystery.

Fable 2 Downloadable Content!

And no we do not mean the new skin/background for your dashboard! On the 12th of December we will see the release of a brand new island to explore in the world of Albion. The packs called Knothole Island pack and will cost 800 points. In Fable 1 a place called Knothole Glade was featured and now we get to see what happened to it. If you download it on the day it comes out expect to get a few free gifts. These include Knights Boots, Assassins Gloves, a weight loss potion and a sliver book. You may however be able to buy these on the island anyway seeing as the pack will include new items to buy.

Banners! And wallpapers soon aswell (hopefully)

My good friend Jacob7869 (also known as Jacob) has made us at Triforce Games a couple of banners to help make our blog look so much better. Hopefully some wallpapers will make there way on here soon aswell. So fingers crossed!

Thats all for this months issue! See you all next month!

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