Saturday, 6 December 2008

Portal:Still Alive

Now, before I start this review I just would like to point out that I missed Portal on the first time round thats why I brought this. If you aren't a Portal loving fanboy (Or you have yet to jump into the world of Portal) I can say straight away this is not for you. This is because Portal: Still Alive is just the original Portal with 15 extra non story line related levels which are pretty cool, but if you have already own Portal I wouldn't recommend it. Well now thats out of the way lets move on!
Portal is a first person physics based puzzle game which is tied together with quirky characters and an interesting story line. You are Chell. Its never explained why you are a test subject, all you know is to do the puzzles and finally escape..... All on you own. Well thats not 100% true. You see GLaDOS will help you out now and then (she is an A.I. who is your guide in the world of the Aperture Science Enrichment Center). Along your way to freedom you meet other unique characters such as a lovable cube with a heart on it and turrets with the voices of little children which murderously kill you at any possibility. As you can tell the world of Portal pretty mucked up and this is a good thing. The game is busting with charisma and get ready for it to charm you into playing it again.... again and again. You could probably do this is less than a week! Yes, the game is very short. Which is its biggest downfall. Once I got to the end of the game I was upset it was already over. The extra challenges do help to make the game longer but it lacks the charm the story mode holds. It never seems quite right without GLaDOS commenting about this that and the other.
The game itself has amazing physics. You can spend ages just throwing yourself threw portals and then when your bored of that grab something else and throw them in portals! It must of took Valve ages to get physics how they are and I really give them a pat on the back for it.

Closing Comments

Portal:Still Alive is in my eyes one of the best way to spend 1,200 Microsoft Points and even though its a bit short you can't call yourself a real gamer until you have finished it. With the best physics engine I've seen and fun (if not that challenging) puzzles, finished of with simple yet effective graphics it all makes a good little package.

Rating: B

Signing out, Josh

picture from:

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