Friday 29 May 2009

Ghost Squad

Hello, Callum here with a review of Ghost Squad. Now if you don't know what this game is and have never seen or played it before then i suggest you go and play it. It is a fabulous game.

It throws you straight into the game pretty much straight away, just click start and your shooting some random guys. There are three main levels to this game but after a while they all get repetitive, because they are the only three levels.

There is also the ability to level up your character, you can unlock new costumes and weapons so it gives you the chance to play looking like a panda. As you level up as well you also get to play each level differently for example you may be asked to deactivate a bomb, but when you level up you can leave that to your team and go down some stairs to take out some bad guys.

There is also a boss at the end of each level. Each boss requires you to use a different skill, like locking on, sniping and just heavily firing at them.

This is a very good game and pretty inexpensive as well and it isn't suprising as much of a good game as this is it is so repetitive and is just gets so boring after a while so yes it's worth getting it but it's just too boring in my opinion, if you're a fan of shooting games get this but maybe Call of Duty is more your thing.

Final verdict: C

Second Opinion

Yo Guys Josh here for a Second Opinion! Basically Ghost Squad for the Wii is the Arcade version BUT you have to unlock the other costumes and guns. It plays just like the Arcade version, it feels like the arcade version so if you like that then you'll love this! I am a big Ghost Squad fan and have put in so much money into the game Sega should really give me this for free.

Now when using the Wii controller its okay but it feels so much better with the Wii Zapper. It feels JUST like the arcade version. This game may only have three levels but in each level there are many different paths for you to take and although it may get repetitive after a while, there should still be enough to keep any trigger happy Wii owner enough to do. Not only that your scores our posted online so you can try and beat your friends others from around the world!


More Console said...

I've always been meaning to buy this game. Your review has finally persuaded me to take the plunge. I was massively disappointed with House of the Dead Overkill so I'm hoping this game will sate my thirst for carnage.

gamesdevelopmentcompanies said...
