Sunday 10 May 2009

Killzone 2 Singleplayer Review

Killzone 2’s story is nothing spectacular. Lets get that right out in the open. After the Helghast attacked a human colony, the ISA [Read: USA] ( The Humans) strike back with an all out attack force on the Helghast home world, the appropriately named Helghan. Execution of the script however is fantastic all round, with some brilliant cutscene’s and scripted events that really make you go ‘wow’. The voice-work is also rather good, but hilariously bad at times. Every Helghast soldier appears to have a cockney accent, as though they’ve been pulled right out of Oliver Twist.

The games AI is excellent. Helghast troops try there hardest to flank you at all times. The amount of times I’ve been shot in the back by some cheeky helghast that sneaked around my back end is uncountable. I wish the same could be said for your Allie’s AI though. At times it can be just as good as the mentioned Helghast, but at times they just seem to refuse to co-operate and just sit and wait till you clear out the enemies. (Then have the face to say ‘yeah we kicked their ass!’)
Killzone 2’s level design is pretty top-notch. Although strictly linear, (think Gears 2 or Call of Duty) There are big open environments for you to kick some ass in. Each level has a distinctive feel to it. The ISA High-Command ship feels clean and futuristic, whereas the Seluja Village is full of sand and feels very old and run down. The Helghan capital itself is very bleak and dark. (Common in a FPS, I know I know...)

Graphically, this game most likely has the best graphics ever seen. (Perhaps Crysis does on max-graphics). With some very life like environments and fantastic lighting. Letting the graphics side down though is some surprisingly low textures in areas, and some very dodgy looking shadows, which I mainly noticed in the first level when I was going through for a second try. Overall though the graphics are the best I personally have ever seen. This is the game you show to a friend who has never seen a video game before.

There are quite a few weapons in the game to play around with. The ISA have the superior weapons, as they have the better technology (which shows in the guns.)the poor Helghast have a crappy excuse for an Iron-sight in there machine guns, whereas the ISA have high-tech green scopes to shoot with. You can pick up some nasty (in a good way) weapons, though. Such as the Bolt-Gun which sends helghast flying when they are hit, and the Electricty Gun, which, as you would expect, electrocutes them. One disappointment though is the Flame Thrower. It feels very weak and acts like a weird looking super-soaker. It feels more like water than fire.

Motion controls (Remember, the PS3 does have tacked-on motion controllers in the Sixaxis!) also feature in the game. They are so infrequent to be a nuisance and barely feature in the game at all. They appear when (only in singleplayer) when you plant a bomb or pick up a sniper rifle (this appears in multiplayer though), if you move your controller around your aim goes all wiggly.

Vehicle sections also pop up every so often in the game also. These are so infrequent as well that they offer something fresh, new and exciting – unlike the usual dreaded vehicle sections in games (I'm looking at you Gears 2). Driving a tank, or a mech-suit in one of the later level’s actually proves to be really fun!

Boss battles barely feature in Killzone 2 as well. You can get some mid-level ‘bosses’, but these are generally big guys in suits with tanks on their back which might as well have a big “SHOOT HERE” sign attached to them. The only ‘real’ boss fight takes place at the end of the game. It’s a bit of a let-down, but I wont spoil it here for people that have not got that far yet.

Closing Comments:
Taking into account the singleplayer and Multiplayer this game is a definite must buy if your a PS3 owner. I would also consider it something that could tease you into buying a PS3. (it did with me!) The graphics, gameplay, multiplayer are all fantastic and worth your money.

Rating: A*

Note: to all you off-line PS3 gamers, there’s also a handy multiplayer mode for offline people. It plays exactly the same as online, but against bots. These bots handle pretty well and will no doubt provide hours of fun.

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