Our fellow banner maker Jacob has forever nagged at me to try World of Warcraft and every time I just couldn't see the point of playing it. Why play that when I could play Final Fantasy? I mean they both have big ass swords, stupid names, monsters and some evil bad guy hell bent on taking the world over. Only difference I can tell instead of NPC's repeating there lines over and over you get n00bs asking for gear and whatnot.
I was actually surprised when I started playing. No one hassling level 80's for stuff! The only other MMO I played before in depth was Runescape and I can tell you there was a lot of that. Anyway, my character is a human warrior called Luneth or something like that. It was a name from Final Fantasy 3 which I had fused with another name from Final Fantasy 3. I did first jump to my Warhammer 40k rule book to find a name, but they were to 'spacey' for my liking.
So I was doing a few quests. Kill 10 wolfs that sort of thing. When I was tasked with visiting a inn. Sounds easy right? And it was really but during the 2 minute walk from the gates of the Abbey to Goldshire (I think that's the place) I realized how you never know what might happen in this game. I had been reading the pop ups saying how Goldshire is under attack and Level 80's were needed but you know it didn't register till I actually got there.
I knew something was up when I noticed so many skeletons surrounding the place. I asked the guard where the inn was. He happily told me to just keep following the road. I looked in front of me and there were big monster things everywhere! I couldn't work who was Alliance or Horde all I knew is that it was scary. I think I stood in the middle of this all perplexed for about two minutes until I realized I should really find cover. I ran into the first house I found and lo and behold it was the inn! I got some pumpkins and felt rather chuffed. I thought to myself 'This WoW thing isn't that hard!'
It went down hill from there on. After that I died so many times I lost count, got chased out of a mine repeatedly by tunneling monster things, got lost in a wood full of thugs and BIG bears then finally to cap it all off when I was looking for cover in the forest I found a hut. I went inside thinking 'yeah, I'll eat a pumpkin and be on my way' when I turn around I am trapped inside by 3 thugs and something which looked remarkably like a Gretching from Warhammer 40K. I was like ' What the -' and died....... Again. It got to a point where I gave up finding my dead body because every time I spawned, I died!
I might give it a go again tomorrow..... Wish me luck!
josh.... no! BAD JOSH! BAAD JOSH!
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