Sunday, 29 March 2009

My Sims

Yes thats right this weeks reveiw is My Sims. For starters the story, from what I can gather it's rather simple. You are a "special person" who can use essences (which are anything you can find around town, be it fruit or fish) to build furnature and houses. Your task is to rebuild the town from one or two houses to a successful village.
There are unlockable area's that you can get access to when you gain stars (which are basically your town rank of population) In these areas you can move new residents in, to get more stars.
The story and game play are quite simple but effective. The controls are ok but I wish they used the Wii's capabilities a bit more. Moving the analogue stick isn't very "interactive" like the Wii should be. The graphics are ok they are very Sim-ish. By that I mean it is typical of the Sims style of graphics although the actual Sims look different (Ed: Unlike Sims 2 the graphical design isn't different to chibi anime style. Big head, big eyes that kinda thing)
One problem I had with it was that it lagged like nothing I have ever seen before. I mean there is lagging but then there is what this was doing! It only tended to be the loading screen which was weird though . If you had a similar problem to this then please comment on this blog. I am interested to know more about it.

overall this game is pretty good although it does get quite repetitive and it is hard to know what to do at times so i give this game a respectable

Second Opinion

I have had My Sims kicking about my room for sometime now and after the day I got nearly to the end I sorta gave up. The game it self isn't bad. It can be so much fun customizing you and your village. Thats the best part of it really. making wacky chairs, giving you awesome hair styles. Dressing the local goth in a frilly dress with pink hair X D. Thats what I enjoyed. My Sims to me was like Lego. According to the box there's a story line but really its down to you. Which is in my eyes I think is pretty cool. The lag is a problem though I have to admit. Sometimes it got beyond forgivable and ruins the clean sharp graphics the game others. There is a sequel for this game called MySims Kingdom which I have yet to test out so I don't know if they fix the problems or not. All in all I have to agree with Callum on this one I give it a C.
Signing out, The Triforce Fighter.

pictures take from:

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