I know, I know this game has been out for a little while now, but as the saying goes better late then never! I picked this game up not so long ago and then I was ill for 3 weeks but thanks to this it helped while away the hours.
Mass Effect is a RPG/Third Person Shooter (TPS) which sounds like a weird mix of game genres but trust me it works wonders. Made by the same guys who brought Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic I knew I was in good hands story wise and game play. While playing KTOR I felt like I was playing a 3D TBS that you could strafe side to side in or run for your life instead of pressing a button. Mass Effect however the fights are just as open ended but as the battle system is more open as well you can go firing when it suits you (although your gun sometimes overheats so you have to wait for it to cool before you can carry on kicking robot butt). Its not ground breaking stuff. Just imagine a slower and more tactical Gears of War. But thats not to say you will not spend time running around shopping, getting lost and talking to repetitive NPC's 'cos you can do all that!
The NPC's to be honest are as repetitive as you want them to be seeing as you can decide what you say. There's usually a good, evil and natural option for most things although there are some which fall into neither blocks. It really good to see that what you say makes a mark with the people around you. It makes the game so much more immersive, which is one its highlights. Just how stuck into the game you can be! Once you start you can't stop. Well that was the case for me anyway.
The story line is basically there's evil robots (the geth) who are like your stereotypical all looking the same bad guys who are trying to kill everything and its up to you to stop them and the traitor who is helping them. Humans as the race are looked down on so you gotta make the aliens respect you and its a good progression seeing how the more universe changing deeds you do as your job as a intergalactic policeman (Also known as a Spectre) the more people treat you better. If you wizz threw the main story you could probably do it in a couple of days but there's so many side quests worth doing you'd be missing out a large chunk of the game.
Now before I finish I just want to mention the infamous sex scene. Basically its the most over rated sex scene in the history of videogame sex scenes. If you watched James Bond then its of that level. It really puzzles me how sex is in most films that aren't pixer and they do not get scolded at all but as soon as a game does it, suddenly the media decides that all gamers will play the game for is to see a 30 second clip of a naked alien chick (or who ever you decide to 'buddy up with') They totally forget that you can complete the game without even seeing it!
Sorry to rant = P but it really annoys me when the media acts like that.
Closing Comments
Mass Effect is what I would call the best original RPG made outside of Japan and you would be stupid not to at least try it. It can seem daunting at first (with the whole of the Milky Way to explore) but if you can navigate around Liberty City then this place will be a easy as pie. Even non RPG fans should try it out because I think they will be pleasantly surprised. The only negative I can think of is that sometimes its time for the textures to come into place which can make it look at little tacky until they appear. It should be only expected though because the graphics are stunning!
Rating A*
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