Tuesday, 23 December 2008

Yes it is that time again for another Pokemon post!! This time it is Pokemon Battle Revolution in the spotlight. Now this game is great fun and so addicting. The graphics are great and the control's work well with the Wii. There are also a few added extras to the game. You are given the ability to transfer your Pokemon from Diamond and Pearl over to Battle Revolution which is a nice bonus if you have all the ubers. There is also a little nifty mode where you connect two DS's with Pokemon Diamond and Pearl and you can connect to the Wii and battle over the TV with your prized Pokemon in 3D.

When you start off the game you get given a battle pass which has 6 Pokemon on it so you have a choice of either the blue pass or the red pass. Then you have the chance to make your own battle pass with your copied Pokemon from the DS. Then you start playing. You go through different area's of Poketopia trying to beat the area leader but each different area has it's own rules some you have a lucky dip of Pokemon some you get to choose random Pokemon this is a nice extra which makes the game less boring.

The Wi-Fi is good but really hard because all of the people on Wi-Fi use legendarys and lots of them so if you are going to go Wi-Fi then I recommend you get a good team of strong Pokemon on your DS then transfer them.

I have also heard that if you finish the game you can get a pikachu that knows Surf and Volt tackle and some other moves and you can get this via mystery gift I don't know if this is true it is just a rumor as far as I am concerned, but this pikachu would make a good member of your party on the DS. (Ed: Yes this rumor is true once you have finished all of the Colosseum)

Now don't get me wrong it is a good game but it gets repetitive and it is all exactly the same as Pokemon Stadium 1 and 2. There is nothing really new about this game and the Pokemon company could have done so much better!

I give this game a C because it has good gameplay but gets boring very quickly.

Signing out, Callum

pictures from www.wiisworld.com

Sunday, 21 December 2008

MORTAL KOMBAT! (Armageddon =D)

Hey! Spartan 120 here. I'm reviewing Mortal Kombat armageddon because I got it as an early christmas present =D
This new mortal kombat game features the hugest roster ever. Every character from every mortal kombat game has got into this and each with his or her own moves and awesomeness!
You can even play as some of the bosses from the games. The game plays well, the D pad on the Wii remote does attacks and the nunchuk moves. To do special moves you hold B and wave the Wii remote in a direction or shape. When you've won the Words "Finish Him/Her" appear and you can wave the wii remote in a direction or shape to "Kreate a fatality" this involves ripping heads off, arms off and finishing your defeated opponent however I do kindof miss each character having their own special finishers. There are also deathtraps on the stages which mean you automatically win the round if you knock your opponent into them, they vary from acid pools, giant rollers and spike pits.

There is also a "Kreate a fighter" mode, which lets you make your own character and fight with them. There is also "Konquest" mode which is the closest thing to a story mode in the game which is the closest thing to a storymode in any mortal kombat game. You play as Taven, one of the king's sons who must compete in a mortal kombat tournament, this is good but it gets very linear and basic after a while and it is quite difficult.
In addition there is also "Motor Kombat" a fun racing minigame where you pick a cartoony version of some of the characters and race around tracks. Hitting obsticles and dying will count as a "Fatality" and you will respawn. Each character can pick up powerups on the tracks, however each character only has 1 weapon available so don't expect any surprises.

Overall the game is very enjoyable and is not like your average beat em up game. I'd recommend it to any Mortal Kombat fan or fighting game fan who wants a different game. The large roster will keep you playing and there is a lot of customisation involved.

Rating: A

Boxart Image from Megamers.com

Screenshot from IGN.com

Geometry Wars Evolved 2

I can't say I am a big side scrolling shooter fan. I don't really enjoy Space Invaders, or Galaga or many other famous side scrolling shooter games for that matter. This game however..... was a completely different story altogether. I found myself spending ages trying to beat my friends high scores on  Geometry Wars Evolved 2 (GWE2 for short). You see, while playing your score at that point in time is shown on the left, then on your right it shows you your friends high-score. Its a brilliant motivator.
The game comes in six different modes: Deadline where you  have unlimited lives but a timer, Pacifism where you can not shoot and can only kill the enemies by flying through gateways which explode (which take out the enemy ships in the progress), King where you can only fire in special circles which disappear after a few seconds, Waves where you have one live and endless waves of enemies flying at you, Evolved which is like the opposite of the deadline where you have three lives and unlimited time and finally sequence which involves defeating a certain amount of enemies then moving on to the next challenge. My favorite would have to be Evolved  just because you can rack up such a high score if you don't lose any lives!
The controls for the game are simple yet innovative. You shoot by tilting the right analogue stick which I have never seen before in a arcade shooter before. You then move with the left analogue stick and fire your bombs with the right trigger (Bombs basically destroy everything on the screen and are useful to get out of tight spots).
Now on to the graphics. They are simple neon shapes which explode into neon pixels which look amazing. You can keep your fire works 'cos GWE2 is one better. 
All in all Geometry Wars Evolved 2 is a brilliant arcade shooter which will appeal to hardcore arcade fans as well as the more casual ones and a must buy if your 360 is connected online!

Grade: B

Saturday, 6 December 2008

Portal:Still Alive

Now, before I start this review I just would like to point out that I missed Portal on the first time round thats why I brought this. If you aren't a Portal loving fanboy (Or you have yet to jump into the world of Portal) I can say straight away this is not for you. This is because Portal: Still Alive is just the original Portal with 15 extra non story line related levels which are pretty cool, but if you have already own Portal I wouldn't recommend it. Well now thats out of the way lets move on!
Portal is a first person physics based puzzle game which is tied together with quirky characters and an interesting story line. You are Chell. Its never explained why you are a test subject, all you know is to do the puzzles and finally escape..... All on you own. Well thats not 100% true. You see GLaDOS will help you out now and then (she is an A.I. who is your guide in the world of the Aperture Science Enrichment Center). Along your way to freedom you meet other unique characters such as a lovable cube with a heart on it and turrets with the voices of little children which murderously kill you at any possibility. As you can tell the world of Portal pretty mucked up and this is a good thing. The game is busting with charisma and get ready for it to charm you into playing it again.... again and again. You could probably do this is less than a week! Yes, the game is very short. Which is its biggest downfall. Once I got to the end of the game I was upset it was already over. The extra challenges do help to make the game longer but it lacks the charm the story mode holds. It never seems quite right without GLaDOS commenting about this that and the other.
The game itself has amazing physics. You can spend ages just throwing yourself threw portals and then when your bored of that grab something else and throw them in portals! It must of took Valve ages to get physics how they are and I really give them a pat on the back for it.

Closing Comments

Portal:Still Alive is in my eyes one of the best way to spend 1,200 Microsoft Points and even though its a bit short you can't call yourself a real gamer until you have finished it. With the best physics engine I've seen and fun (if not that challenging) puzzles, finished of with simple yet effective graphics it all makes a good little package.

Rating: B

Signing out, Josh

picture from: