Sunday, 21 September 2008

Condemned Criminal Origins

Okay, so a few weeks ago I was looking around in a random game shop and I found Condemned, it was cheap so I decided to get it. I went back to my house and started playing it and heres what i think of it.

The game is a first person shoo- actually it doesn't deserve to be called a first person shooter seeing as there are hardly any guns in the game, you'l be lucky if you can find one decent gun with ammo in it in a level!

The storyline is very basic, you play as Ethan Thomas, a detective investigating another murder by one of the cities seriel killers "The Match Maker" with two other cops, you then realise the killer may still be in the building so you split up. You get a gun with one clip in it and fight the first enemy, then you trip over and get it stolen almost straight away >:( Anyway though the killer uses your gun to kill the other two officers and pushes you out of a 4 story apartment block window. Of course everyone thinks you've murdered the officers so you must try to prove your innocence, how? you may ask, by grabbing stuff from your environment and beating up drug dealers, freaks and crazy randomers.

You'l spend prettymuch 98% of the time with a melee weapon from the environment, from a 2x4 plank of wood to a fire axe. The enemies AI is okay even though the game claims to have brilliant AI. I mean if you hit one they run away, hide, then come out again. They just do it over and over. So the game gets very boring fast.

The levels are all very dark and some are harder than others. you'l find loads of health kits in the first few levels. Then they all seem to vanish. I haven't even finished the game as i'm stuck in one level. 

Closing Comments

Overall i like the style of the game and think it's okay for a kick off game (with the 360) but there are more better games for the 360 than condemned. The game tries to be scary by giving you flashbacks of the murders and stuff but it gets dull quite fast and loses the scariness. the bosses are a mixture, some are easy and some are hard. but very soon you'l probably be through the game as there are only 10 levels (I made it to level 7 then just gave up as it is very difficult even on easy mode)

Condemned 2 is currently out and I've heard it features more guns and more scares, heres hoping my review on that is better if i ever get it.

My Rating: C - I'd say there are a lot of better games on the 360 but it's okay

Screenshot from

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