Saturday, 28 February 2009

Teh Gaming News Issue 4

Hey readers, 
Its time for Teh Gaming News which is fashionably not done quite on time as per usual! Where kicking of with first......

Dead Space Wii

Well Dead Space Extinction to be exact. This is a on rails shooter (much like Resident Evil Umbrella Chronicles) which is a prequel to the 360 game and its coming to the Wii. With this and many more games such as House of the Dead: Overkill and Mad World will people still call the Wii for Mums and little kids?

Halo Wars and more

Yeah, Halo Wars is officially in stores now although I do not own it yet because I maybe sorta owe my Mum and Dad money, then I need to fix the DS Lite...... But as soon as thats all done you can expect a review of the game! Other notable games which has came out this month....
Street Fighter 4 which I would like to get but seeing as I am not the best at Street Fighter 2 I may just wait until someone else gets and just borrow it of them. 


Brand new DLC is now up for Grand Theft Auto 4 which goes under the name of 'The Lost and The Damned' which will be reviewed soon. So sit tight GTA fans!

New Dudes

We here at Triforce Games are always looking for new people to write with us and we have done just that. Enter Platinum aka Dave. He will be reviews this that and the other like the rest us. 

Thats about everything for this month! See you again next month for Teh Gaming News!

Sunday, 22 February 2009

Wii Speak

Hey I was ment to get this up last week sorry it's a little late.

The long awaited Animal Crossing: Lets Go To The City, came with a nifty little addition to the Wii's collection of peripherals (add ons); In my opinion of course the worst one of all. Wii Speak. My experience with it is terrible. It echo's, it squeaks it makes noises it really shouldn't.

Yes it does the job and it does what nintendo wanted it to do but for me it could be better. I seem to get the feeling they were making it just to fill a gap in the market and did it as cheap as they could.

Now don't get me wrong it is a great peice of kit to have for your wii and so far i have only used it a couple of times for animal crossing and nothing else really. So if you have not yet bought Animal Crossing don't get Wii Speak Animal Crossing Bundle. AC is good on it's own and has an in game keyboard so who needs to talk. Plus you could always just ring the person your playing with anyway. Thats it for my rant if you have any other opinions on Wii Speak just leave us a comment.

Callum out.

Friday, 13 February 2009

F.E.A.R 2: Project Origin Preview

Hey guys Mark here, I'm previewing the F.E.A.R 2 demo which came out a couple of weeks ago.

F.E.A.R 1 was a scary game, I never got it myself but I played the demo and thought it was awesome. F.E.A.R 2 has carried those scares over. Almas back and she's even scarier in this demo, you star in the remains of a crashed helicopter and you see Alma. The demo takes you through a school, a subway, a freaky street, a cinema and it finishes with a level on a mech. It's quite long and fun to play. There are a lot of weapons to find and your character has the ability to slow time. This is very hand if you ever get trapped in the middle of a firefight. The game is still quite graphic and gory, the shotgun will shoot enemies limbs off.

The game has had a huge graphic update and the new look makes it even scarier. Your often walking down a corridor and something will happen to make you jump. These vary from simple things like doors flying open, to ghosts attacking. There are moments in the game where you'll be confused and wonder "What just happened?!". I remember once I heard freaky music and nothing happened so I laughed and said down the mic to my party "Ha I just dodged something scary =D" Then I got raped by ghost things and it was scary XD

Overall I would say its full of fun and scares. I would recommend it to anyone who likes scary games and shooters, or fans of the original F.E.A.R (Which stands for First Encounter Assault Recon before I forget to throw that in) =D

picture from

Sunday, 8 February 2009

Halo Wars Hands On Preview

I'm no stranger to the RTS (Real Time Strategy) genre and if anything I am more familiar to that then FPS (First Person Shooter) games such as Halo. So to me I couldn't wait to get started with Halo Wars.

First thing I did after downloading the demo (which by the way for all you who haven't yet, takes some time) was go campaign. Two levels controlling the UNSC fighting the Covenant. It is based 20 years before Halo Combat Evolved and you can tell. In the campaign unlike in the FPS which you see a few marines and ODST's every now and then here there's loads (as you can expect).

 There are also plenty of Spartans at your control which is pretty neat, which all act like Master Chief. They can take enemy vehicles and use friendly ones to there full potential. Most units all have a special move which can be activated with the Y button (X is used to command your units to move and attack). For instance Warthogs drive at full speed into enemies knocking them flying much like what you do on Halo, but if try to ram a turret or building the unit will lose health (which should be noted because many a time I sent my Warthogs charging at building only to have them explode in my face a few minutes later). Marines can chuck grenades which can be later upgraded with flash bang technology. 

The story line as far as I can tell is the usual Halo affair. Covenant find Forerunner relic and try to use it to defeat the flood (which have been confirmed to be in the game).

Anyway back to the campaign. Your first mission involves re-taking your base from the Covenant. You start of with only a Warthog under you control with a hero unit inside (Not much is known about hero units, as there mainly seen in campaign), but slowly you rally the surviving soldiers and take the base back. This can be seen as a non guided tutorial to controlling units because it goes through vaguely how to play (Don't worry there is a detailed tutorial at the ready if you need it)

The next mission involves remaking the base and taking out the Covenant. Base making is standard RTS stuff, although you only have a certain amount of squares. So if you run out of squares you need to find another spot to make a base. Its all simple stuff.  Like Halo its pick up and play and just good fun. 

The game it self is made just for the 360 so for those thinking 'Oh noes! I can't play a RTS without a mouse and keyboard!' need not worry because it plays fine. Like I said before you could pick up the controller and make a wild stab at the controls and likely get 70% of it right. The only problem I find is when you just want to select one type of unit say your ground ones and you quite often end up selecting your air units and vehicles as well. 

After I had completed the two levels I then headed over to skirmish mode. On the demo, you can only play one level but you can look at the levels you could play with the full game (including a map called Blood Gulch!). You can also choose to play as the UNSC or The Covenant. Also it looks like there are different team leaders who get special advantages and units. For instance the UNSC leader you could play as on the demo could make Elephants, while the The Covenant leader could have a Prophet unit as well as special Elites with twin energy swords.

 So there seems to be many ways to play. With co-op and online confirmed it looks like Halo Wars could be one of the best RTS games for the 360!

picture from